Friday, March 8, 2019


My mother, her mother, and her mother
in the 19teens before women could vote,
though they were all politically active.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful tribute to yesterday’s International Womens Day. I cannot answer, like, comment, send or reply or thumbs up on Facebook for 30 days because I’m banned & in FB jail for posting a nude Basquiat photo. Thank you for caring. My IG I update daily pouring my heart out in diary entries, images, new poems if you wish to stay in touch. I have a sinking feeling I may not make it (surgery yesterday, bad infection) but I still have parts of my love letter scrapbook I haven’t finished to the world. So I just started an Instagram. My IG is order_franciscans_of_mercy under Instagram “search box” I am listed as my male name Friar Jensøn Olin. If I don’t hear from you, please always remember how grateful I was you buoyed me up with encouragement my final days & inspired my entire career with your work. tenderly, Truck
