BATHTUBS OVER BROADWAY is a really fun documentary well worth watching to the end. It's about Steve Young, a writer for the now defunct DAVID LETTERMAN SHOW, who developed a collector's obsession for the music written and performed in "industrials"—in-house shows and films made for companies to inspire and energize and especially entertain their workers and/or sales force et. al.
When I was acting in films and on TV for a living, it was common knowledge in "show biz" that "industrials" paid well, often better than most acting gigs. As is pointed out in one scene, a show for I forgot which corporation but let's say Ford cost 3 million to make while at the same time let's say MY FAIR LADY was being put up on Broadway for half a million.
Though plenty of stars did these shows, and several are in this film, a lot of the performers and songwriters were unknown to the general audience, which is what Young ends up wanting to correct and does in some of the most delightfully funny and/or poignant scenes I've seen in any film. I suggest definitely checking this one out.
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