Monday, June 10, 2019


As I sat on a grassy hillside in a park not far from my apartment, listening to live music surrounded by a diverse crowd of people of all ages yesterday—from older than me to infants—all celebrating the LGBQT+ community, either as members or allies, I was moved to tears remembering all the friends and lovers lost to the AIDs epidemic in the1980s and '90s.

I wished they had lived to see this display of love and support and pride in at least this town (and my hometown next door, and more) and all around the country. But was also saddened by the realities that so much judgment and hate and violence still exists. Black trans women are still being murdered, as are young queers of all kinds, including in cities only a mile or so from my town.

The struggles continue, but the progress cannot be denied, for now. Vigilance and resistance against the judgment and hate and violence must be our daily commitment. Or at least mine.

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