Wednesday, May 27, 2020


"How can a political leader just weaponize the decades-old death of a woman, as a result of a health-related fall and the injuries sustained, without any respect of her memory, her legacy; without any concern for her survivors, the people who loved her and lost her, who buried her and still mourn her? He only cares about using it as ammunition to sully the reputation of a perceived enemy. What kind of political leader goes through an entire Memorial Day weekend without tweeting about the 100,000 Americans who have died from COVID, more people than the number who died in all of our modern wars combined?Rather than praising our nation’s fallen soldiers, he picks on one—Rep. Conor Lamb (D-Pa, who served his country honorably) by calling him a fraud, for no apparent reason. He forwards texts by conspiracy theorists and hate mongers calling women skanks. This is a leader?A real leader would be so busy in meetings, trying to deal compassionately and responsibly with the pandemic, he’d barely have access to his phone and social media. A real leader would send regular uplifting messages to Americans as a way of boosting morale and keeping us hopeful. A leader would not resort to crass insults of people with whom he disagreed. This man is a fraud. He is a useless human being. Spare me the false equivalencies that insist Biden is X, Y, or Z or “just as...”. I am not voting FOR Biden. I am voting AGAINST Trump. We can sort things out once these snakes are out of office. When your house is on fire, you don’t look into the large bucket of water that’s right beside you and say, “well, there are a few bugs in there. There’s also a little soot. And it looks like it came out of a pipe that might have been a little rusty.”NO. You take the water, which is not pure, not pristine, and you put out the fire because for what you were doing, there is only one thing you needed for that water to be: wet."—Nana-Ama Danquah

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