Saturday, August 8, 2020


When I was a teenager I was hired by the local post office to carry what became known as "junk mail" to residences in our town during the weeks leading up to Christmas because the volume of Christmas cards overwhelmed the system. There even was more than one delivery a day so that no mail was ever late. The post office had been so important to the founders that they established it in The Constitution! You know, the document the rightwing republicans claim to care so much about.

Since Nixon the Republicans have been trying to privatize the post office, and pulled off a kind of partial privatization in fact, but in more recent years the republicans have been going more for crippling the postal service entirely to enhance the private carriers. And now with the upcoming presidential election the trumpers have been waging a direct attack on the P.O. to weaken support for voting-by-mail, making it difficult for the mail to get through without delays and losses.

For instance it's August 8th and I still haven't received my main pension check, which usually arrives on the first, or the day before or after, but has never arrived more than two days late. I hate this administration and the hypocrites who support and defend it with claims to be fans of the founding principles of this country but betray those principles every chance they get.

(C) 2020 Michael Lally 


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