Monday, November 1, 2021


I'm celebrating Celtic New Year's Day (and best friend poet/Irish musician/songwriter Terence Winch's birthday (which should be a national holiday)) in my new home in upstate New York in gratitude to my older son Miles and his partner Hannah's hard work making it happen up here (shout out to my daughter Caitlin for her help since) and my youngest son Flynn and his mother, Jaina, packing my stuff in Jersey and my dear friend Spencer helping them and renting the truck (and friends Matt and his son Ben helping them load it) and driving my tons of books and bookcases and too much art for the little old (1840) farm house that is now my and Miles and Hannah's home up here.

Hannah wrote the great poem on our new home's fridge (see photo: the musician is Miles, the farmer Hannah). Spenser took the selfie with most of those who helped unload the truck.

Spencer in dark beard, Miles behind him, then me, two helpers who work with my son-in-law Ed, in blue shirt and hat, my grandson Donovan, and in truck another co-worker of Ed's and with the long blonde hair longtime dear friend for over fifty years the great photographer Bobby Miller who recently moved with his husband to the next town over.

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