So when I met Neuwirth in person in New York around 1980 I was predisposed to not like him. But after I moved to LA in '82, I got to know him pretty well and found him still capable of devastating sarcasm, but also of unconditional friendship. I learned he was a unique singer/songwriter and painter, and always there when I went to him for any kind of help. I came to rely on him when I got myself into my usual predicaments. His advice was always sound and specific. I know he will be sorely missed by many. Condolences to all who knew and dug him.
just another ex-jazz-musician/proto-rapper/Jersey-Irish-poet-actor/print-junkie/film-raptor/beat-hipster-"white Negro"-rhapsodizer/ex-hippie-punk-'60s-radical-organizer's take on all things cultural, political, spiritual & aggrandizing
Thursday, May 19, 2022
First time I saw Bobby Neuwirth was on screen as Bob Dylan's wingman in the 1967 documentary about Dylan's last solo acoustic tour of England in 1965 just before he went electric. There was a moment in the film where both Bobs are in a lobby off a hotel lounge where a jazz combo is playing and Neuwirth starts making fun of the jazz cat image in a belittling way that made me want to smack him. In 1965 I was still in the military trying to support my wife and me on the lowest rank pay, supplementing it by playing jazz piano in places like that while watching the British invasion replace jazz with rock'n'roll in most of the venues I played in.
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