Thursday, October 19, 2023



I copped this image from Eve Brandstein who was my partner in founding and running the eight-year initial run of the weekly poetry reading series Poetry In Motion that Terry Kirkman often took part in in the late 1980s and early '90s. But I first met Terry shortly after I moved from NYC to LA in 1982. We were sitting around a table of mostly then famous movie people and I thought I was being gracious by engaging him in small talk as he was I thought unknown to me. I only learned later that he and his music had been leaving its mark on me since the 1960s. 

Terry was not only a great musician, singer, and songwriter with The Association back when (Cherish being maybe his most famous song), but also a fine poet, artist (he made the most striking drawings on his smart phone e.g.), and friend. A gentle giant who towered over most people, he was best described in a post (sorry I can't remember whose) as "a humble genius" with, I might add, a giant heart. 

Because I was dealing with a bout of Covid when he passed, I didn't get to post this til now, so Rest In Harmony old friend, with condolences to your equally big-hearted wife Heidi, and all your family, friends, and fans.

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