Thursday, March 27, 2008


1. Has anyone seen the story that John McCain has missed more Senate votes than either Obama or Clinton? And if not, why not?

2. Did anyone see the story (thanks Paul) about the death of bees getting worse but no one funding the research to find out why and what to do about it (Haagen Daas just gave 250,000 dollars and it was greeted as if it were several million, does the money we’re bleeding into Iraq have anything to do with why our government isn’t funding the research to find out what’s happening to these bees without which our food supply will get even more expensive and many items will disappear with the bees forever)?

3.Anyone notice that in the current violence (mini-civil war?) between Shiite factions in Iraq (Basra and Baghdad, Iraq’s two biggest cities) the “bad” guys have new expensive weapons and the guys we back have old ones and none of the personal armor or armored vehicles they’ve been asking for since we set up the Iraqi security forces, so does that mean Iran and other suppliers are more efficient and less corrupt than we are, and if so why not get out then, especially since our argument is if we leave what’s happening now, i.e. factions fighting each other, will happen, if it’s happening anyway?


  1. more questions than answers these days ... a few more ...

    anyone see bush's manipuspeak yesterday where he appeared borderline jubilant about his economic stimulus package and how its going to have such a positive effect upon the lives of hard working americans - spoken with the same seriousness when he addressed the country back in 2000 about the ridiculously high oil prices in criticism of clinton's mismanagement of economy ...
    [does this clown know something we don't] ..?

    anybody see the [additional] report that came out about the residual costs of the 'war on terror' - cost of death benefits, long-term health care, rehabilitation, property damage, etc - a mere trillion + ...
    ['stay the course' and the white house will go into foreclosure]

    and what about the farm wife of a guy fighting in iraq from down near philly that's losing a court battle over their land [that's been in their family since the 50's] through eminant domain procurement by the government ...

    on a lighter note [?] - what about the geneology reports for the presidential candidtates ...

  2. 1)Missed votes- John McCain has represented his state considerably longer than Clinton and Obama. That could be one possible explanation.

    2)Funding for Bees- Maybe money spent on earmarks by Obama and Clinton for jazz programs in Chicago and rock festival memorials in upstate NY, would be better spent on bees.

    3)Iran more efficient and less corrupt than the US- Is the efficiency you refer to, their voting system? They do not allow just any one to run for office. One must be deemed acceptable to the ruling Mullahs. I am sure that makes for shorter debates and quicker resolution of who won. Do you refer to the fact Iran does not have homosexuals in their country according to Ahmadinajad. There have been reports and pictures of Iran very efficiently stoning and hanging those who have, what Iran deems as aberrant sexual behavior, including homosexuality. If you are inferring that the US should be efficient, like Iran, I would suggest that you be careful what you wish for.

  3. Good questions Paul, to which I don't have good answers, except the obvious ones.
    Jim I assume is being ironic in his suggestions about my question about Iran being less corrupt, or tolerating less corruption in the spending of their money on arms for their guys in Iraq. This isn't about what goes on inside Iran Jim, it's about how the money Iran spends on the fight in Iraq is used compared to the money we're spending. It seems pretty clear, by today's lead story about the ancient ammunition we supplied to our side in Afghanistan, that the billions upon billions of money we taxpayers are supplying for the fights in Afghanistan and Iraq are being siphoned off by enormous greed and corruption that extends from our native allies in country to corporations headquartered here at home. There should be at least ten simultaneous investigations going on in Congress looking into where this money is being misspent and why the Iraqis we're backing do not have the proper equipment to win the fight, while the Iran backed fighters do. That was my point.

  4. I suspect your desire for more investigations in congress will be fulfilled. The Pelosi and Reid led congress has excelled in numbers of investigations. That is not necessarily a bad thing. The more time they spend on investigations the less time is spent on their inane agenda.

  5. Islan and the West

    Those interested in what Islam and the Qu'ran has in mind for western civilization, including the US, might want to view the 15 minute film from Holland available at the following link.

  6. Giving you a link to an essay that hit home to me:
    The part I found especially apt is this:

    "Vice President Cheney again stuck both feet in his mouth by saying and then repeating that we should remember that our military is composed entirely of volunteers; that our troops all volunteered for this duty, this burden, this sacrifice.

    What’s your point, Mr. Vice President? That because they volunteered to serve our country in uniform it’s OK to squander their lives in a war of choice — your choice and your president’s — and that it somehow matters less than if they’d been dragooned into service by press gangs or a draft like the one you dodged with five deferments during the Vietnam War because, you said, you had “better things to do”?"

  7. Yes Connie, I did see and read that article. Someone else emailed me the link to it. It was spot on as the Brits say. Cheney. Don't get me started.
