just another ex-jazz-musician/proto-rapper/Jersey-Irish-poet-actor/print-junkie/film-raptor/beat-hipster-"white Negro"-rhapsodizer/ex-hippie-punk-'60s-radical-organizer's take on all things cultural, political, spiritual & aggrandizing
Thursday, March 27, 2008
This is a flyer for a poetry reading to be held this Saturday evening, March 29th, at 7PM at the Pierro Gallery, which is in the Baird Center, 5 mead St. in my old hometown, South Orange, NJ. If you happen to be in the area.
I do this poetry workshop in the living room of my apartment now and then, and these are the poets who constituted the last one. All of them good, each with their own unique voice and approach to the poem. Some have been doing it more than others, some are published and some not, a variety of styles that come from the variety of backgrounds they come from and lives they live.
There is a professional opera singer reading the first poems she's ever written, the editor and publisher of the alternative parenting magazine for this region, MOTHERHOOD. There's a homeboy from my hometown, though originally from Central America, whose poems have become so terrific he's asked to give readings all over Manhattan and has self-published a book I have listed on this blog as a favorite, and his name has appeared on several of my lists on this blog as well.
There are other Latin Americans, immigrants and descendants of immigrants, and a scientist professor, a painter, a social worker, and more. Ten poets in all, each reading for only five minutes, a format that allows the audience to never get bored with any one voice. I have been asked to read the poems of a young woman poet who will be out of town, and take it as an honor.
If you're anywhere near here on Saturday evening, you won't be sorry if you stop by and catch this talented group.
wish I could be there!