Friday, January 20, 2012


The applause lines in the Republican debate tonight were a disgrace. From all four candidates left.Ron Paul is the least offensive in terms of attacks on Obama, his attacks are spread around somewhat. But the other three, Romney, Gingrich and Santorum are a total disgrace to our country and everything it stands for when they attack Obama as someone who actually is out to put more people on welfare and actually prevent people from working. Bad enough the accuse him of wanting to turn the country into something "they"—the implication being white rightwing Republicans—don't recognize, but blaming the economic crisis and unemployment on the president and never mentioned Bush/Cheney and their rightwing Republican forebears!

This month's number for those applying for unemployment is the lowest it's been since BEFORE BUSH/CHENEY'S last year in office! In almost every statistic that counts things are better than they were when Obama took office. But these fear mongering traitorous miscreants can't talk straight about any of it.
Just blame Obama and make promises they won't keep like no Republican president has since Nixon (he was going to end the Vietnam War in 1968, six years later it ended when we lost, Reagan was going to make the government smaller as were Bush/Cheney but they grew the federal government more than any recent presidencies, while Clinton actually cut the size of the federal government and Obama has on a smaller level and has announce policies to cut more.

Et-endlessly-cetera. I know, I shouldn't have watched it. My blood pressure and all.

[PS: I corrected typos last night but obviously was tired and upset to have left in so many other mistakes, including spacing etc. But I'll leave as is, since it represents a true mini-if-late-night-rant.]


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  3. I couldn't find even one person of color in that audience. Meanwhile, Lawrence O'Donnell showed a clip of the President singing a few Al Green licks at the Apollo Theater today (he was pretty damn good!)

    The juxtaposition is stunning.

  4. The Repubes are digging their own grave. Decent people of all walks are seeing them for the liars and ignoranuses they truly are. They are incapable of sticking to one viewpoint or admiting to or owning any facts. Many who temporarily bought into the blame Obama paranoia are now seeing the light that the dire straits we are in are because of Bush/Cheney et al. The tide is turning and Obama will have a second term to save this country, economically, spiritually, ethically and otherwise,and the majority of people in our land will increasingly dismiss the anti Obama rhetoric for what it is--deceitful schoolyard noise.

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  6. Tom, You obviously missed the Republican congressman from SC.

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  9. Tom, I noticed three non-white faces in the crowd and there may have been a few more. What's more upsetting is the expressions on their faces when the candidates bash Obama in ways that are factually and even figuratively totally untrue, close-to-if-not-entirely-there traitorous and completely hateful and fuel for the kinds of political disfunction and even violence against fellow citizens. Those expressions were of complete and unwarranted smugness. If there's anything I despise almost as much as deliberate lies meant to cause human hurt and pain and real damage, it's smug self-righteous complicity in that.

  10. Michael, the most important and powerful thing is to keep shining the light of truth into the darkness of prejudicial falshood propogated by the traitorous enemy. Continue to refute their lies with actual facts of improvement. As the Repubes and Teapocrits continue to in-fight and their blatant hypocrisy and lack of morality, ethics and integrity become exposed, their poll numbers will decline and more and more of the even less educated, previously brainwashed population is waking up to the reality of the absolute danger of following the ill intnetioned, unqualified hucksters of the Republican Party.

  11. For the sake of purging venom, but not to increase your heart rate or blood pressure - what about Gingrich's outrage about being questioned about his former wife's allegations? He thought it was despicable that the tone of yet 'another' Republican nomination debate would be set by such a 'despicable' accusation?
    What about having his hand in denigrating the office of the Presidency with impeachment proceedings against Clinton - what wing of the media concocted that malicious scheme?
    This is where the perverse and distorted hypocrisy
    of the right wing liars should infuriate their constituency. And what about John King who couldn't fire back an appropriate retort? Talk about bias ....
    Tick, tock, tick, tock ....

  12. Paul, totally agree. I couldn't believe how flummoxed John King was, though after thinking about it, I always feel he's easily swayed and rattled by the right. But Gingrich and then Santorum and Romney talking about how the media protects Obama from criticism is so ludicrous on its face. but the way big lies work is if you say them often enough even educated and informed people can begin to believe them let alone partisans and imbeciles.

    By the way, Obama gets more death threats than any president in history, exponentially more. Thanks to rightwing hate mongering lies and misdirections.

  13. Of course, the holier-than-thou right to life-o-crits who bomb facilities and murder doctors and somehow self justify that this is ok. Not on my watch.

  14. I hear you Robert. they all seemed to agree (though Ron Paul fudge this a bit) that "life begins at conception" Gingrich's latest justification being that the genetic data is all there when the sperm penetrates the egg. And he's touted as the "intellectual" on the right!

  15. We slaughter living beings for food and clothing, and murder for oil so we can drive our fancy cars etc etc. Get off your high frikkin horses. I'll be they all wear leather shoes and had a nice steak dinner before and or after the "debate"

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  17. Wow, that was some hateful jive. There sure are some sick people out there, but they ain't welcome here.

  18. The old saying is "you can dish is out but you can't take it" applies full on to Jim. I'm just giving him a mirror image of his wishful delusions from the truth side of the fence.

  19. If any one of these shameless jokers were to become president, Canada and Mexico would have to build their own fences to control the flood of Americans fleeing.

    According to census data, in America today whites have 20 times the wealth of African-Americans. Not 20% more. Not twice as much. Twenty times as much. Specifically, the median household wealth for whites in 2009 was $113,149, and the median household wealth for African-Americans was $5,677. And that understates the case because the really big holdings aren't captured by census data. Romney's Cayman Island accounts, for example, aren't included,

    Get ready for the tumbrels, folks. One way or another, this must stop.

    And yes, that meretricious debate was disgusting, to say nothing of the howling mob. Rod Paul does appear to have some integriity and an occasional good idea; too bad in most other respects he's bonkers.

  20. Ron or Rod Paul is full on bonkers. He wants a man in a coma to take care of and be responsible for himself. I wonder if he'd feel that way if his son/wife/harlot was in a coma. He's already a walking coma with voice box that goes off way too often.
