Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Also from that TIME article on Warren Buffet. This time from William Jennings Bryan [and making the perfect argument against "trickle down" economics which hasn't worked]:

"If you legislate to make the masses prosperous, their prosperity will find its way up and through every class that rests upon it."


  1. It's hard to understand why the notion of equality is so difficult to grasp - especially in the aftermath of Martin Luther King day when we've heard so many inspiring excerpts from his writings and speeches. Seeing the before and after contrast that his life's mission empowered and then the more recent news bits by the new generation Republicans - quite extraordinary. It's hard to imagine America being in a position of world leadership when the most basic principles are absent from the consciousness of those legislating the momentum of development and sound bytes.
    Seems that Leonard Cohen's "There Is A War" has been getting a lot of play time on my iPod lately ...
    Thanks again for continuing to shine the light Michael ...

  2. Thanks Paul. You state the situation succinctly and clearly.

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