Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Forgot to add that when Mitch McConnell, the top Senate Republican, said if Buffet wanted to give more money to the government he could write a check and send it in, Buffett challenged back by offering to match all Republican Congressional contributions to the government and to match McConnell's three to one!

He says he's not worrying about having to write any checks in this challenge. So far, of course, he's quite right. And here's another great quote from Buffet:

"I find the argument that we need lower taxes to create more jobs mystifying, because we've had the lowest taxes in this decade and about the worst job creation ever."


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  7. Dear M:

    It really is amazingly ass-backwards when you think about it: regular people who sell their time, talent, and work pay more in taxes than people like Willard M. Romney, who just has money shoveled into his coffers from Bain Raiders in return for nothing, other than being in the richman's club. Obviously, it should be completely the opposite: the Romneys & Paris Hiltons of the world should be paying MORE, not less, than the rest of us.

  8. That's why I liked Buffet's call for those who actually labor to pay less in taxes than those who make their money from investments ala Romney, Bush, and the hedge fund job destroyers et.al. By the way did you see where not only does Romney pay less taxes than you and I do, he doesn't pay any taxes on millions and millions and millions that he keeps in the Cayman Islands. Et-endlessly-cetera.

  9. Romney should get the hell out of our country and run for president of the Cayman Islands. This sad excuse for a man - and he's not a man by my definition - which is first and foremost an honorable person (not to mention, monogamy) - does not represent me or the views and well being of the true citizenry and backbone of the land.

  10. President of the Cayman Islands. I love it.
