Sunday, March 4, 2012


Here. [Be sure to read both pages.]


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  7. Rush Limbaugh is a shameful excuse for a human being. He represents everything that is reprehensible,shameful and backwards in our world. He is the lowest of the low. I hope all of his sponsors pull out and his massively bad karma kicks his slovenly ass but good.

  8. I'm not sure what Jim had to say this time - probably something about Liberals not believing in free speech. But Rush's comments go beyond the limit of should be acceptable in free speech. Once again he took national issue and turned it into a personal attack on an individual in an attempt to hurt her or worse. Dowd's opinion piece is on target. After 3 days of relentless attacks Rush issues an online apology - sorta of - and only after economic pressure of having sponsors drop him pressured him to issue is weak apology. The CEO of Carbonite said he won't resume sponsoring Limbaugh. He has daughters the same age as Sandra and would not tolerate young women being spoken to as Rush did. There is no defense that conservatives can mount for him that would change the minds of most people I know from either side of the political center.

  9. Even Ron Paul says that Rush apologized so he wouldn't lose sponsors.

  10. And Jim is the one who decries "Shariah Law" - in other words, mistreatment of women. I wonder how Jim would react if Rush Bimbaugh dug into his daughter?

  11. Hoping that the electorate's memory come November is long and accurate.

    ~ Willy

  12. It is and will be. Still,it is important and beneficial to all for each of us individually to shine light on the lies and hate, and to clear the air of the toxic, excretions of the Repubes and Teapocrits.

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  14. Rush Limbaugh is about as low as you can get. I really feel he thought he was untouchable until his sponsors started leaving. I am amazed anyone can stomach the guy much less believe in him. What a joke.

  15. There is a modicum of conscience that advertisiers are "Rushing" away from Rush Slimeball, who, as my highschool classmate Russ Miller said many years ago, "has the intellectual (and ethical/moral) capacity of a syphillitic yak's entrails."

  16. Ron Paul, who is unfit to be running for town moron, let alone president, has said that current tornado victims should not receive any federal aid or FEMA help. This creature is not an American, he is not even a human being.

  17. I am sure you were all equally outraged when Ed Schultz called Laura Ingraham a slut twice and were equally offended by letterman and Maher going nasty and vulgar on Sarah Palin and her children.

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  21. Otherwise, I can't find anything on the web about any of the other Repubes voicing any concern about this horrendous natural disaster. All we hear is George Sellout-opolois happy-talking the non-news of how comb-over Trump may endorse Rich Grinch. People are dying, veterans who got in harm's way are homeless and can't get needed health and social services, and all the so called news media focuses on is super-pooper Tuesday. Our media is at once itself and its opposite: shameful and shameless.

  22. To briefly respond to Jim - yes
    and what happened to Ed? I believe he apologized on the air and was suspended. And, Jim, did they repeat and expand upon these offensive comments for 3 consecutive days? I've read other comments about Sarah Fluke from other rightwing commentators or bloggers - and they were equally offensive. Not as brief as I meant. Sorry.
    Ron Paul and the Governor of Ohio - both want to deny Federal aid. Although the Governor may be pressured to or has been, to change his mind.

  23. Tom,
    Is Maher, Letterman et al supended, disciplined etc for their extraordinarily offensive remarks about Sarah Palin and her daughters? The Left has no standing preaching about inappropriate remarks.

  24. Tom, For civility on the left, all you have to do is look to your comments on your blog about Andrew Breitbart. I suspect Andrew's young children and wife would take issue with RIH.

  25. Is rush suspended for his remarks? No
    Is this the first time Limbaugh has made offensive remarks about people who have different views than him? No
    Has this been a pattern of Limbaugh and other right wing radio and tv hosts for years now. Yes. So don't tell me about "preaching" about inappropriate remarks. You mention a couple of liberals - I could name more than a dozen right wing talking heads who make extraordinary remarks about people they disagree with. It has been the rights' playbook for years now to dehumanize the opposition. As to Maher and Letterman - they should have been disciplined for their remarks. I and most liberals I know think that attacks on the family, especially the children, of conservative or liberal politicians is wrong. Have conservatives made offensive remarks about the Obama children, about Chelsea Clinton. Well, Jim? Have they and did you condemn them?
    Any American should be offended when these kind of remarks are made. I don't care what side of the center they are. Why am I wasting time with you? I have to be up and off to work early tomorrow. The others here are right, it is no use talking to you. You twist words like the snake in the garden.

  26. Jim are you talking to me? I haven't written anything on any of my blogs in nearly a year. As to AB - I have no joy in his death. He has a family and my prayers have been with them. Where the hell did you pull that lie from or are you confusing me with someone else?

  27. Okay, I left some of the stalker's comments because Robert and Tom were trading points with him. But Tom has seen why I have been deleting him now for awhile. All you have to do is go back in the early of this blog and read the arguments I and others had with him to see how pointless it is to try and use logic, reason, facts, truth, fairness, tolerance, etc. All the humanist values the right decries. Anyway, he's cut off now.

  28. I agree that Letterman misspoke when referring to Sarah Palin's daughters. He shouldn't have gone there. Honestly, he didn't need to go any further than Sarah Palin herself to find endless material for satire and criticism. She,Herman Cain and other political has-never-beens can go on the lecture/appearance circuit and continue saying nothing and making it sound like something to the tea-lemmings.

  29. There must be two Tom's that are active on this blog. I was referring to comments Tom the skier made on hsi blog.
