Saturday, March 3, 2012


"Santorum said that the Affordable Health Care Act will add trillions to the debt. Romney said so, too. And Gingrich said that President Obama favors legalizing infanticide. None of these things are true. Like victory, lies have many fathers."  —Hendrik Hertzberg The New Yorker Mar. 5, 2012

"On the snowy Tuesday when the petitions [to recall Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin], weighing three thousand pounds, were filed with the Accountability Board, in Madison, Scott Walker was on Park Avenue, in New York, attending a five-thousand-dollar-a-couple fund-raiser for the anti-recall effort. The event was hosted by Maurice Greenberg, the billionaire former chairman of American International Group, the insurance company that was rescued from bankruptcy in 2008 by the largest federal bailout for a single institution in United States history—$182 billion."  —William Finnegan The New Yorker Mar. 5, 2012

[The irony, of course, is that Walker accused the petitioners for his recall of being supported by people outside Wisconsin, and that the Greenberg bailout was under Bush/Cheney.]


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