Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I hope it's not too little too late, but President Obama definitely came back swinging and scoring points in tonight's debate.  He called Romney on a lot of his lies and flip flops and hidden agenda. That was good. And he stated some realities defining the differences in the two men and the policies they would put into place if elected. And he defended his record where it deserved to be recognized for the accomplishments he produced.


He could have scored even harder if he'd pointed out that Romney claims to know better how to create jobs but left the state he governed 47th in the nation in job creation. Or if he called Romney on constantly saying he's never been in government but always in the private sector when he obviously was a governor, that's government duh, and ran for a senate race for a couple of years that he lost and has been running for president for the past eight years so he's spent a good deal of his adult life either in government or trying to get into it.

And he should have hit home about Romney having stated he would reverse Roe vs. Wade and voucherize Medicare and at one point supported privatizing Social Security and that he never was a "small businessman" in the sense of 97% of small businesses that are what most of us think of and have been a part of when we hear that term, but in fact wants to cut taxes for hedge funds run by individuals who can claim "small business" status etc. But then, probably any of us could have continued scoring points against Romney and the Romney/Ryan ticket and the Republican Party not just in a two hour debate but for days, weeks, months, years...

...which is what a lot of us have been doing.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Romney, like Ryan, trotted out the same old Republican lies that they have been building for the past 4 years.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. For being the president he should have won handily. He did not.

  5. Yep Tom. And they're relentless. The stalker of this blog repeats the same lies the rightwing propaganda machine churns out even after they've been refuted by the facts! Repeatedly! Romney is the perfect representation of rightwing Republicanism. Tell whatever lie you need to to gain power then do whatever it takes to increase that power and the wealth it works for, etc.

    And as for TheMickey's. I have no clue what debate you were watching. In the one I watched, our president "won handily."

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