Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I've said these things elsewhere, but just to refute the usual rightwing spin on news of the debate and presidential race in general:

What Obama could have added last night in response to Romney's attempt to use the tragedy of the attack on our ambassador in Benghazi, Libya, to score political points by claiming they had asked for more security and didn't get it and blaming that on Obama is:

1) The request for more embassy security was for Tripoli, not Benghazi, so even if the request had been granted it would not have helped in that attack.
2) It was the Republicans in Congress who cut the budget for embassy security across the board, so if anyone is to blame for not enough security for our ambassadors it's REPUBLICANS!
3) It was Republicans who came up with privatizing a lot of embassy and other diplomatic security, as well as much of the guarding and even fighting formerly done by our military (when I was in it).

And if Democrats and the president really wanted to play hardball the way rightwing Republicans do, every time someone, Ryan or other Romney surrogates talk about how much Romney helps others with his charity, they should point out that he almost exclusively directs his charity to fellow Mormons and Mormon causes (a requirement of his faith anyway).

Can you imagine what the rightwing propaganda machine would do if Obama's tax deductions for charity were all directed at African-American causes, or would have done if JFK had only given charity to Catholics? They would have been all over that. But interestingly Romney's Mormonism and how it impacts his perspective on things that matter to all of us citizens of this country hasn't even been raised.

And one more thing. Everyone knows about "October surprises" in presidential races. You know if the positions were reversed and an ambassador under a rightwing Republican president had been killed by leftwing militias right before a presidential election, the rightwing propaganda machine would be all over conspiracy theories. But no one has mentioned that Al Queda was the creation of SAUDI ARABIANS (as was the 9/11 attack) and that one of the main arms suppliers to the Syrian rebels who identify with Al Queda is Saudi Arabia, so it seems obvious there could be a connection with the attack in Ben Ghazi by well armed militias claiming affiliation with Al Queda and Saudi Arabia, long a a strong ally of not just the Bush family for generations, but other rightwing Republican operatives.

Just sayin'...


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