Thursday, October 18, 2012


Well, maybe not such a break but fun to see what clever political cartoonists can do:


  1. My favorite in Brian McFadden in the Sunday NY Times.

  2. I like him too. Never tried to download it so I could share any of his.

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  4. This is no cartoon:

    It is the continued BASTARDIZATION, illegal, sinful misuse (for profit) of the Second Amendment, which immediately needs to be revised, as it in no way applies to today's reality.

  5. I pray that in his second term, President Obama addresses the dire, out of control, tragic gun crisis in this country.

  6. Lal--Like Robert G., I'd hope the second Obama administration does soemthing about guns, but I'm not holding my nreath. Remember, he promised to close Guantanamo.
    Love that Maxine. But in another revoltin' development, as Chester A. Riley used to say, Maxine cards have disappeared. Earlier this month I searched both my neighborhood CVS and Walgreens stores for a Maxine birthday card to send to a friend, but Maxine was totally absent from both stores. Bummer. Is she still available in New Jersey?
    Bob B.

  7. Well the Guantanamo thing seems frustrating to Obama too as I suspect the assault weapon ban is. Hopefully if he wins a second term and doesn't have to worry about being reelected he can get those two things and others we'd like to see done. Certainly if Romney gets elected there won't even be a chance. Romney's response to the assault weapons ban question was to talk about how important it is that kids have two parents, implying that gun violence is all the result of single mothers raising violent boys, which further implies Romney hears "gun violence" and equates it with African-American young men rather than with the biggest mass murders by gun all so far committed by white males or the major source of gun deaths: murders and accidents committed in the home (most often also by "white" "Americans") etc. (a lot of my African-American friends were very upset by the racism they saw in Romney's response in that question, which none of the white pundits seemed to even notice).

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  11. Guns are the problem, not the solution. Or I should say guns in a culture in which the media promotes their use. Is the problem. If guns were not available, then the people in the tragic shootings that take place now almost daily would have to resolve their issues in way without guns that do not result in needless, tragic death.

  12. Just read about another family, at home, killed by a disgruntled neighborh in Southern California a four year old being one of the victims. The Second Amendment needs to be overhauled and rewritten and all guns - handguns, aSsault weaponS and all, need to be outlaweD and banoished$ it's our only hope for advancement and survival. Also, media violence needs to be regulated as well.


    It is literally daily now. GUNS MUST BE BANISED. Government and private sector to subsidize and assist re-incomization of gun shops. Hollywood and video game industry must come under FCC regulation of violence content. Freedom to live supersedes 'freedom of expression' and 'right to bear arms'.
