Saturday, August 24, 2024


Sixty years ago, on August 8, 1964, I married my first wife, Carol Lee Fisher (who chose to be known thereafter as Lee Lally). We'd only met once before, briefly, but had corresponded for over three years (the story of our wedding can be found in my latest book SAY IT AGAIN). She was 21, I was 22 and halfway through a four year hitch in the military, stationed in Spokane, on the Eastern edge of Washington state.

This photo was taken in '64 on the Western edge of the state, where our friends Roy and Karen Harvey lived on a boat they bought with student loan money. It captures Lee's stylishness then (she made the outfit she's wearing) and our height difference, she was 4'11'', I was 5'11' then. We divorced in the late 1970s and in 1980 she went into a coma after a botched operation which she remained in until her passing in 1986.

I think of her revery day.

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