Monday, December 22, 2014


I never met him, but wish I had. Here's my take in this old post about how great his singing was only a few years ago. And here's what first got to me:


AlamedaTom said...

Thanks for that Lal. Cocker was a favorite of mine and it saddens me to realize that his earthly vibe is no longer with us. Still, I am consoled by the fact that I can still see, hear, and feel his work through the blessing of modern media. Wouldn't it be great to be able to watch a video of Mozart playing one of his compositions, or Lincoln delivering the Gettysburg address?
~ Willy

Lally said...

I know, how lucky are we, and yes to have a recording of Lincoln or Shakespeare et. al. would be amazing but here we are with film and sound of so many greats of our boyhood and beyond....totally cool...